September 9, 2017
What’s in a Smile? Your Cosmetic Dentist Explains this Universal Gesture
They say that mathematics is the universal language, and that might be true — but smiling is the universal gesture. When you meet people from other cultures whose language is completely different from your own, a simple smile can let them know that you’re glad to see them and that you accept them in all their unique glory. Smiles aren’t just for strangers, though. This little gesture can brighten your day and the days of everyone around you, whether they’re your family members, friends, or coworkers. But why is a smile so powerful, and how can you get the most out yours? Your cosmetic dentist in Dix Hills is here to explain.
Smiling and the Brain
When something happens that pleases you, your brain sends a signal to your facial muscles, which then work together to create that gorgeous grin of yours. However, it doesn’t stop there. Smiling creates a sort of “loop of pleasure.” It sends a signal back to your brain, further increasing your level of happiness. Research shows that smiling can be as stimulating as receiving 16,000 pounds sterling (about $21,000 USD). Who needs money when you have the ability to smile, right?
Indeed, smiling can reduce your stress levels and increase your overall sense of well-being. Seeing others smile has a positive impact as well. Research has found that adults are happier around children, who tend to smile about 400 times a day. Adults, on the other hand, smile an average of only 20 times a day. One study even found that people who smile more live longer. The lesson? Find more reasons to smile!
Make It Real
We crave genuine interactions with other people, which is why we don’t like it when we know that someone is smiling just to be polite. A real smile affects the muscles around your eyes, whereas a fake one only touches the muscles around your mouth.
If you find it difficult to let loose and show off a heartfelt smile, pinpoint the reason why you hold back. Maybe you’re a little shy, or perhaps you grew up in an unhappy environment. Whatever the cause for your smile deficiency, practice might help you become better at showing off those pearly whites. Try to think about joyful things, and smile at yourself in the mirror. You might be surprised by how quickly you learn to smile.
What if You Dislike Your Smile?
Many people hesitate to smile in public because they’re embarrassed by unsightly flaws in their teeth. Fortunately, it’s not difficult for your cosmetic dentist in Dix Hills to correct those issues. Through porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, or other procedures, you can achieve the sparkling smile you’ve always wanted!
Never underestimate the power of your smile — the world’s universal gesture.
About Dix Hills Family Dentistry
Drs. Raj Gaur and Shubha Soni-Gaur compose your team of dental experts in the Dix Hills area. They provide a range of cosmetic and general dentistry services to help their patients have more attractive, healthier teeth. If you have questions about how you can have the smile you’ve been wishing for, contact our office at 631-673-8040.
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